Trying to Conceive in Memes

Congratulations!  Deciding to start your family is one of the most serious and transformational decisions you can ever make for your life.  So now that you’ve decided to start, you’ll probably get pregnant the first month you start trying, right?  Possibly yes, but in all likelihood, no.  In fact, there were a lot of misconceptions I had about trying to conceive (TTC) when we first started…

12 Binge-Worthy Streams to Watch Now

It’s the middle of summer, most (if not all) of your regular favorite tv shows are off-air and there is seemingly nothing but trash to watch on live tv right now, right?  So what’s a Suburban AF girl to do?  Turn to one of the many awesome streaming services out there and discover some fresh, new shows worthy of your time of course!  Now before you jump…

Welcome to the all-new Suburban AF!

Hi, I’m Lisa, and I’m so glad you’re here.  We may have just met but I feel like we’re a couple of old girlfriends.  You’re a wife living in the ‘burbs, most likely a former fun-loving city girl in your younger years, and now, quite surprisingly, loving and embracing the new lifestyle you find yourself leading. You enjoy…


8 Delicious Popsicle Recipes You’ll Love

One of my earliest memories as a child is getting bucked off my aunt Charis’s horse, Jellybean, which was truly a terrifying experience.  That said, I have to admit that it wasn’t even the most memorable part of my day; what I *really* remember vividly when I look back is actually being soothed thereafter with an absolutely delicious orange popsicle on a beautiful summer day.  True, I…


7 Fresh & Delicious Collard Greens Recipes

Hold the zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice: there’s a new “it” vegetable on the block!  Prepare to have your mind completely effing blown y’all.  What if I told you there’s a delicious, incredibly economical, antioxidant-packed green at your local grocery store that can be used in a whole myriad of different ways?  And what if I told you that it also fits nice and neatly…

Tieks: The Real Deal

Have you been toying with the idea of buying a pair of Tieks ballet flats but remain hesitant about the high price point?  Or perhaps, like my wise, practical mother, the thought of buying a pair of shoes online that you’ve never tried on is entirely out of your comfort zone?  Maybe you had heard that Tieks only come in whole sizes and, as a half size, had serious…